Friday 24 June 2011

Changing history

The making of Music videos

1984: Michael Jackson 's short film Thriller is released, changing the concept of music videos forever. The Making of Thriller home video was also released in 1984. It was the first ever video about the making of a music video.

Modern Era of Music Video 1970’s.In the UK the importance of Top of the Pops to promote a single created an environment of innovation and competition amongst bands and record labels as the show's producers placed strict limits on the number of videos it would use - therefore a good video would increase a song's sales as viewers hoped to see the video again the following week.


Therefore after researching in the history of music it is evident to say that if you get your target audience right then this could lead to a massive success of a music video. We will remember this when planning our video and look into U.S.P (Unique selling points) to differentiate our video's from the crowd- We will do this when looking in to editing, lighting and mise-en-scene.

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