Monday 3 October 2011

Jarrett Fijal- Editor.

When researching and planning our music video within editing I came across a well-known editor named "Jarrett Fijal". Firstly I found out the MTV video music award for best editing. In 2009 and 2010 he won best editing award for Lady Gaga Bad romance and Beyonce's famous Single Ladies video.
"Jarrett's unassuming demeanor belies his exceptional editing, seen on some of the most notable music videos of the past decade, his abilities to bring out the full potential in a project spans across all genres and styles".

This is a phenominium of a music video that has won many awards for its editing, routine and overall performance. In terms of editing it works greatly with the pace of music and shape of sequence. It is shaped via pan shots- The camera keeps panning around the dancers to emphasize and show detail to their routine. An example of that is at 0.23 when the shot changes into pan to show the 3 dancers. Zoom in shots of Beyonce are also frequently used to aid promotion of the artist- an example of this is at 0.49.

COMPOSITION- Rule of thirds is used at 1.04 which shows that Beyonce is privileged by the camera.


The video initiates with a fade in and gradual zoom with close ups of the artist as well as light sources to create the start of the performance. The transitions are very quick and abrupt however the pace of the music is upbeat and fast therefore this works well. There are many zoom in medium shots that transitions into zoom in close ups throughout the video which create effect and bring us closer to the artist. The pace of editing is rather fast and quite disorientated however this works well with the strange performance and narrative.

Below is an image of Jarrett Fijal and the selection of music videos he has edited.

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