Thursday 24 November 2011

Bloc Party

An Insight into our band Bloc Party...

Our band is Bloc Party therefore think it is essential to explore the band in order to gain inspiration and try and present the atmosphere in the video. Bloc party is a british indie baned with Kele Okereke as the lead vocalist. The lead guitarist is Russel Lissack and Gordon Moakes on the bass guitar.

Here is a picture I put together and edited in photoshop, as you can see they are very much the stereotypical indie band. With their clothing and body language. Furthermore, on stage they are very much about lighting, with strobe lighting and different colours to captivate the atmosphere and enhance the Bloc Party experience.

Here is a interview I found from the online 21st century music site which gives news, videos and interviews.

In this interview it gives a great insight into the band. In our music video we are running on the themes of vulnerability and despair and this is exactly what Bloc party wish to achieve in their music. Furthermore, they claim that the their songs always occur between two people- which is what we wish to achieve with our video of our actors Jake and Emily.

Also, we wanted to steer away from the stereotypical break up music videos and Bloc party actually reinforce this saying "It isn't just about the end of a relationship".

Our video is about the mental state of someone being obsessive and stalking believing they are in a relationship.

Lead guitarist also quotes:

This image will definitely be created in our music video, we hope to create the image that for Emily the hardest thing is she can not recognize that something is not there. It builds the theme of unrequited love which we wish to displays with the girls unstable state of love towards lead character Jake.


The atmosphere we wish to create is a state of confusion and actual flux. As you can see, this is a clip from Bloc Party performing flux live and their use of strobe lighting is very much a signature of their band, we hope to create a house style and to achieve this we will use strobe lighting with fast pace editing.

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