Thursday 5 January 2012



This was the first time we had all been out together and used the camera to start shooting the scenes. We had to go up to Camden to shoot the opening scene, end and parts of the middle- however not the chorus. When we were up London we found some great settings as shown from the photographs. The favorite of ours was the bridge with the electric blue lighting underneath, this is exactly the image we were hoping for.

This is an image taken from Vicky of myself and voke shooting the bridge scene- which is iconic from The Script video.

This is underneath the bridge, the scene where jake comes into contact with his stalker for the first time. We absolutely loved this scene because of the radiant lighting coming off the bridge and also the narrow alley way we had been trying to find for a couple of hours! It also clearly portrays the vulnerability of the protagonist male when he comes in view point of his stalker.

After shooting this alley scene we found this great graffiti wall, in our research we found that graffiti corresponds greatly with the indie image therefore is likely to appeal to our target audience. We wanted jake to be situated in the middle with his hood up and tried a few shoots to see how they came out on the camera.

These are the photographs I took of Jake, I thought this was a good idea as we can use these for the scene where the photos of jake are reveled from his stalker also it began to give us ideas for our digipak.

Myself and Voke uploaded the photo's into photoshop and started to edit them to enhance the photograph and bring the brightness up. This picture below is a personal favorite of mine because we tried for a whole to get an image of Jake face on to the camera looking rather serious. I believe this photo captivates the mood we were hoping for very well.

As well as taking photos of Jake we also wanted to take a few of Emily, seeing as she is the female protagonist. Similarly, we wanted a serious photograph where she actually looks quite scary, unfortunately we were unable to capture a photo of both Emily and Jake therefore we will make sure we do this next time we film!

Evidence of filming:

As well as filming, we did have a laugh in the rain with crowds of people in Camden...

The problems we faced:

1. This was our first time going out all together and using the camera, we knew that Camden was going to be busy therefore expected the crowds however at times it was difficult especially when people would walk in front of the camera unaware.

2. From our footage, some parts look unprofessional due to the use of camera and where it was positioned in shot, however this is something I can improve on when next shooting.

3. Originally we wanted to get random people from the street to hold up signs for us whilst we filmed them, unfortunately this became a hard task! We did however find some willing volunteers but when we uploaded it into final cut it did not look very well, therefore when we next film the idea is for us to use each other to hold up the signs.

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