Tuesday 7 February 2012


Our rough cut and feedback really made us realize that a lot has to be done to achieve our final cut.

We all sat together and discussed the positives and negatives, although we were really passionate about our narrative and thought it was a great idea it didn't come across well to our audience- and we realized this is VERY IMPORTANT seeing as their our target audience therefore the people that would buy the music and watch the video. Due to this reason we thought we needed to change a few things (reasons as followed)
  • Narrative change
  • Link lyrics and visuals together more
  • Neat editing and appropriate transitions

The first thing we did was annotate our lyrics...

Lyrics Bloc Party lyrics - Flux lyrics

The image created from these lyrics isn't a break up or more importantly does not mention a male being stalked. Although we really liked our narrative we did not play attention to the LYRICS, which is extremely important!

Instead the lyrics talk about a state of flux, a state of change and possible confusion. Therefore we must steer away from the obsessive stalker image or a break up. Instead, it could be a couple that are unsure what they want and things are not working which is causing this state of flux.

Furthermore, we thought it was equally important to connotate our lyrics and visuals, showing evidence of the lyrics rather than ignoring them.

Also, although we orginially planned to do a narrative based music video we now realize that performance base would look more professional and would just work much better especially due to the pace of the music, fast editing would look great with this!

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