Sunday 11 March 2012

Evaluation 1 (By myself)

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The conventions of our digipak have been placed in our research which can be allocated via this link: Magazine Advert

Digipak Conventions

How did our product challenge the conventions?

Although we researched and used many conventions of a music video we also challenged them to some extent, to make them unique and different. With our narrative, we wanted to steer away from the stereoptypical narrative of boy breaks up with girl, and then gets back together. Instead, we wanted to create a sense of confusion between the characters and gives an ending that didn't totally give away the narrative. Therefore, instead we slowed down the pace of editing and showed a long distance shot of Jake walking away.

This could suggest a possibility for a part 2 or follow on from the music video which would inevitably increase sales and be a promotional tool for fans.

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