Monday 19 March 2012

Evaluation 2(By myself)

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We constructed two digipaks because we were unsure of which we preferred as shown below:

Our task was to create a promotional package for the album "escape" by Bloc party. To create brand identity across the 3 products it was essential that we used the same images, font and iconography.
It is essential our product would fit into our target market. Indie target audience by sjansen1

Audience feedback on how effective our ancilliary tasks were, correlating with our music video.
When showcasing our final cut to our target audience we asked the audience to fill out a questionnaire.

One of the questions was "Do you think our ancillary tasks linked to the video"?

Here I have constructed a pie chart to display my audiences feedback on the above question. As you can see the majority replied with "yes" agreeing that the ancillary tasks did link in well with the video.

(I made this graph and asked my peers,using Excel)

Overall here was our feedback:

Ellie Blanchez: "Yes you can definitely see a tangible link from all media platforms, I especially like the way you have kept the same colours across all media products- this gives great continuity and a promotional recognition. If I had seen the music video then came across a billboard of the music magazine I would know straight away who and what it was for. Well done!"

Image of Beth writing feedback:

Beth:" I can tell that you have used screenshots from the music video, so straight away this gives a link. However, I also like the way you have shown Jake across all three tasks- Letting the audience know who the artist is, which is important".

Lighting across all 3 tasks:

Our choice of lighting links very well to the dark setting which is created in all 3 tasks and also would be a memorable factor to our house style. The majority of our feedback pointed out that they loved the use of strobe lighting and was different to any other videos our year has created- therefore we already know that this is the main aspect that stands out. With this, it was a good idea that we used this in our magazine advert so when customers would see this audience they would directly link this back with our video.
Our audience has a female minority however I believe the strobe lighting would appeal to any gender of our target audience 16-25 because it creates the setting for a club scene/electronica band which is very much fashionable for this market.

Below I have added the script that has been placed into the slideshare presentation, this is a word documented which has been uploaded:

(Presentation made by myself)
The presentation below goes through the narrative, font, protagonist and how we would change our portfolio if we could.

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