Monday 12 September 2011

Pitch- Initial meeting

To begin, we had the task to assign ourselves into groups of which we would work in towards making our music video and overall A2 coursework. My group consists of Vicky Gordon, Emily Fry and voke oyeye of whom I know very well therefore is an advantage because I am aware of the music genres they particularly like and have an interest in. In our first meeting we discussed what genre we like listening to and the types of songs we could use in our music video, before any decision is made we will shortlist the music songs we believe could work in our video. As well as discussing songs we also looked briefly into music video's and visualized ourselves with the conventions- We did this via youtube and wrote down the video's we looked at so we can go back to them when researching.

We wrote down approximately 34 song choices that came to mind when thinking of the music genre- INDIE. However, with the indie genre we appreciate there are many different genres within this title and therefore decided to look into this before finalizing any songs. The genre is one of the most important aspects as we need to know this very well in order to reach our target audience- Who will be the buyers and viewers and therefore determine the success of the video.

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