Monday 19 September 2011

lights conventions in a music video

Before choosing our song we decided to look at music videos and the convention of lighting. We saw that extreme artificial lighting is mostly used to enhance the atmosphere and indicate the shift from chorus and instrumental beat. This can be used in many genres.

Lighting is an extremely important factor to any types of music videos, however the lighting changes depending on which one. For example, lighting is used greatly in pop videos to enforce brightness and happiness, sometimes in a club atmopshere. However artificial lighting is also used greatly in indie music videos to enhance the urban scene for exaple or the state of lonliness. This is done via strobe lighting or reflection from instrumentals,

The Horrors- Still life

From end to beginning this video uses lighting greatly. With its constant cross dissolves and changing atmosphere it brings a very futuristic feel to the video. This video falls under the indie genre and the close ups of the artist empahsize this. Despite the ever changing colours, it is a very misty and hazey use of primary colours which shows its uniquiness and individuality.

Lights- Ellie goulding

This video is extremely graphic and uses technology greatly throughout. The cross dissolves are also used with many close ups of the artists. The shot that particuarlly catches my attention is the one in the bottom right, its a mid shot of the cross dissolve and it makes a purpled tint to the shot which also shows the darkness behind the shot. Furthermore, I am very fond of the spotlight which enhances the shadow of the artist- this is simple yet very effective.

All of the lights- Kayne West, Rihanna.

This music video is very well known for its great uses of flashing lights and vibrant use of primary colours. This is however a pop video and its conventions show this. A lot of dancing is involved and close ups of the artist- which is very different from the genre of indie.

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